The "Flyright-Matchbox Library of Congress Series"
Note that the "M" part of the catalogue number usually denotes an original Matchbox release and others with this suffix have been recent recordings. These archive recordings fit, however, because these represented the first commercial releases of these Library of Congress recordings.
Vol. 1 - Mississippi River Blues (SDM 230)
Vol. 2 - Fort Valley Blues (SDM 250)
Vol. 3 - Out in the Cold Again (SDM 257)
Vol. 4 - Boot That Thing (SDM 258)
Vol. 5 - Two White Horses Standin' in Line (SDM 264)
Vol. 6 - Jack O' Diamonds (SDM 265)
Vol. 7 - Red River Runs - NOT RELEASED BY SAYDISC (almost certainly assigned to SDM 275)
Vol. 8 - Jerry's Saloon Blues - NOT RELEASED BY SAYDISC (almost certainly assigned to SDM 276)
Saydisc numbers 275 and 276 were almost certainly assigned to the forthcoming Vols. 7 & 8 in the Flyright-Matchbox 'Library of Congress Series', which were subsequently unissued by Saydisc (though later issued by Flyright).
© 2009 - 2021, M. C. Jones, trading as Bristol Folk Publications. The Record Press, Diogenes Academic Press and Burnham Priory are imprints of Bristol Folk Publications.